16 research outputs found

    Результаты определения проницаемости пласта Ю-1 Первомайского нефтяного месторождения по притокам на установившихся режимах

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    Приводится новая формула притока в гидродинамически несовершенную скважину, в основе которой лежит деление области дренирования скважины на три зоны: зону влияния отверстий, зону сужения потока за счет неполноты перфорации и зону плоско-радиального потока. В соответствии с этой формулой определены проницаемости пластов в скважинах Первомайского нефтяного месторождения Томской области. Они оказались следующими: в скважине 260-12,51 миллидарси, в скважине 261-5,41 миллидарси, в скважине 262-42,21 миллидарси и в скважине 264-15,82 миллидарси. Проведено сопоставление полученных данных с результатами определения проницаемости в лаборатории физики нефтяного пласта по кернам, которые оказались примерно такими же

    Managing regime complexity: Introducing the interface conflicts 1.0 dataset

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    The increasing density and entanglement of international law and institutions leads to a growing potential for collisions between norms and rules emanating from different international institutions. It is an open question, however, when actors actually create manifest conflicts about overlapping norms and rules and how - and with what consequences - such conflicts are handled. We therefore utilize the concept of "interface conflicts" in which two or more actors express positional differences over the scope or prevalence of different international norms. Building on the findings of the DFG research group OSAIC (Overlapping Spheres of Authority and Interface Conflicts), we introduce the Interface Conflicts 1.0 dataset, which assembles information on 78 interface conflicts. The dataset provides information on the actors and norms at stake in interface conflicts and focuses specifically on their subsequent handling. It distinguishes co-operative from non-cooperative conflict management, and codes the institutional as well as distributional outcomes of all management efforts. Drawing on the Interface Conflicts 1.0 dataset, the paper discusses first descriptive statistics regarding the bones of contention in interface conflicts, distributions across types of conflict management, and conflict management effects on the legal and institutional arrangements in the areas at stake. We thus contribute empirical building blocks to debates about global (dis)order and open new avenues for future research.Die zunehmende Dichte und Verschränkung von internationalem Recht und internationalen Institutionen führt zu einem wachsenden Potenzial von Kollisionen zwischen Normen und Regeln, die unterschiedlichen internationalen Institutionen zugehören. Es bleibt jedoch eine offene Frage, wann Akteure tatsächlich manifeste Konflikte über überlappende Normen und Regeln erzeugen und wie - und mit welchen Konsequenzen - solche Konflikte bewältigt werden. Demzufolge nutzen wir das Konzept der Schnittstellenkonflikte ("interface conflicts"), in denen mindestens zwei Akteure Positionsdifferenzen über die Reichweite oder den Vorrang von verschiedenen internationalen Normen äußern. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der DFG-Forschungsgruppe OSAIC stellen wir den Interface Conflicts 1.0 Datensatz vor, welcher Informationen über 78 Schnittstellenkonflikte enthält. Der Datensatz bietet Informationen über die Akteure und Normen der jeweiligen Schnittstellenkonflikte und fokussiert insbesondere auf deren darauffolgende Handhabung. Er unterscheidet zwischen kooperativem und nicht-kooperativem Konfliktmanagement und kodiert die institutionellen sowie die distributiven Folgen aller Konfliktmanagement-Bemühungen. Anhand des Interface Conflicts 1.0 Datensatzes präsentiert dieses Papier erste deskriptive Statistiken über die Streitpunkte in Schnittstellenkonflikten, die Verteilungen verschiedener Typen von Konfliktmanagement und die Effekte von Konfliktmanagement auf juristische und institutionelle Übereinkünfte in den jeweiligen Politikfeldern. Auf diese Weise tragen wir empirische Bausteine zu Debatten über die globale (Un-) Ordnung bei und zeigen neue Pfade für zukünftige Forschungsvorhaben auf

    Corrigendum to: Who feels affected by “out of control” sexual behavior? Prevalence and correlates of indicators for ICD-11 Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)

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    As a result of a mistake made during the production phase, the above paper was published with the in-text citations appearing in an incorrect order, first as an Online First article on 20 September 2022, and later in the 3rd issue of Volume 11 (2022) on 26 September 2022. DOI: 10.1556/2006.2022.0006

    The Jury is still out: A Comparison of AGG, Fujaba, and PROGRES

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    Graph transformation languages offer a declarative and visual programming method for software systems with complex data structures. Some of these languages have reached a level of maturity that allows not only conceptual but also practical use. This paper compares the three widespread graph transformation languages AGG, Fujaba, and PROGRES, considering their latest developments. The comparison is three-fold and regards conceptual aspects, language properties, and infrastructure features. Because of the different relevance of these aspects, we do not determine a clear winner but leave it to the reader

    Do farmers in Germany exploit the potential yield and nitrogen benefits from preceding oilseed rape in winter wheat cultivation?

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    <p>Field experiments show that wheat grown after oilseed rape (OSR) achieves higher yield levels, while the nitrogen (N) application is reduced. However, field experiment data are based on few locations with optimised management. We analysed a large dataset based on farm data to assess the true extent of break crop benefits (BCB) for yield and N fertilisation within German commercial farming.</p> <p>Across all German states and years, average yield of wheat preceded by OSR was 0.56 Mg ha<sup>−1</sup> higher than yield of wheat preceded by cereals (7.09 Mg ha<sup>−1</sup>), although considerable variation between regions was observed. Mean N application across all states to wheat after OSR was 5 kg ha<sup>−1</sup> lower than to wheat after cereals. Choice of wheat types for different end uses (bread flour or animal feed) showed higher (0.77 Mg ha<sup>−1</sup>) or lower (0.44 Mg ha<sup>−1</sup>) BCB for yield of wheat cultivated after OSR compared with after cereals. The calculated BCB for yield and N fertilisation were lower than expected from dedicated field experiments and fertiliser recommendations. Thus the advantages of OSR as a preceding crop are generally utilised by commercial farmers in Germany but there is room for improvement.</p

    Who feels affected by “out of control” sexual behavior? Prevalence and correlates of indicators for ICD-11 Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)

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    Background and aims The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and correlates of indicators consistent with Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)—defined and operationalized according to the ICD-11 guidelines—in a large (n = 4,633; 50.5% male; 49,5% female) probability-based German national sample. Methods Participants were asked if they had ever experienced “intense and recurring sexual impulses or sexual urges that I had difficulty controlling and resulted in sexual behavior” over a period of several months. Those who reported this experience were queried about the associated distress. Results Overall, 4.9% of men [95% CI = 3.9–6.1] and 3.0% of women [95% CI = 2.3–3.9] reported experiences consistent with ICD-11 diagnostic requirements for lifetime diagnosis. In the 12 months preceding the study, 3.2% of men [95% CI = 2.4–4.2] and 1.8% of women [95% CI = 1.2–2.5] reported experiences consistent with CSBD requirements. Compared to controls and participants who reported elements of compulsive sexuality but without accompanying distress, strict religious upbringing was most prevalent in the CSBD group. The CSBD group was more likely to view sexual practices like men having sex with men as unacceptable and to report the belief that pornography has negative impacts on their sex life and life in general. Compared to the other two groups, the CSBD group was significantly more likely to have received psychiatric treatment for depression or another mental health problem during the past 12 months. Discussion and conclusions The current study provides novel and important insights into the prevalence and characteristics of CSBD in the general population